COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for Residents

Focus placed on Housing Authority Residents & New American Community

Syracuse, N.Y. – Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon today announced that pop-up clinics taking place today and tomorrow will vaccinate over one-thousand additional community members.

Today’s clinic is taking place at Toomey Abbott Towers in partnership with the Syracuse Housing Authority

(SHA). Over 500 people will receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at today’s clinic. Residents were identified by the SHA as well as additional individuals who had signed up for OnList in adjoining zip codes.

Tomorrow’s clinic will take place at Dr. Weeks Elementary School/Syracuse Northeast Community Center with a focus on vaccinating the New American Community. At least 600 people are scheduled to receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at this clinic. Individuals were identified to receive the vaccine with the help and support of community based organizations.

Onondaga County Executive McMahon said, “These pop-up clinics are part of our continued effort to vaccinate as many members of our community as quickly as possible. We know that extra effort must be made to reach certain demographics, including the New American Community, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.” McMahon continued, “Thank you to our partners at the Syracuse Housing Authority and Community Based Organizations for being the credible messengers we need to make sure our neighbors know the vaccine is safe and available. Onondaga County will continue to work night and day to secure as many additional doses of the vaccine as possible so we can continue our fight against COVID-19 and vaccinate our community as quickly as possible.”

Vaccine for these pop-up clinics was provided by New York State and is in addition to our weekly allotment.