Reporting Income Changes

SHA requires that a resident or head of household report any increase or reduction in income after initial occupancy or after annual re-examination within fourteen (14) calendar days.  SHA will recalculate your rent and determine if a rent adjustment is warranted if the tenant follows the procedure below.

 How to Obtain a Reduction in Rent:

To have your SHA Property Manager determine if your rent can be reduced you must complete the following steps: 

  1. Income / Household Change and Verification Form” : sign and submit the change form to your property manager.  Income Change Form
  2. Consent Forms: sign and submit consent forms to SHA.  Consent forms are used to assist the SHA in obtaining verification documentation necessary per 24 CFR 960.259(b) or 24 CFR  5.230.
  3. Verification documentation (or other information per 24 CFR 960.259(a) that the SHA or HUD determines necessary for the annual reexamination or interim reexamination of family income and/or composition) is submitted to SHA.  ** Ask your property manager what is acceptable verification of your change in income. 


Effective Date of Rent Change:  The first of the month after the reduction is timely reported. 

Delay By SHA:  The reduction will be effective the first of the month after the interim reexamination should have been completed.

Delay caused by Tenant:  If the new rent is a reduction and the family caused the delay or did not report the change in a timely manner, the change will be effective the first of the month after the rent amount is determined.

The head of household and / or household member must certify that all the information provided on household composition, income, family assets and items for allowances and deductions, is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.

An applicant or resident in the public housing program must not knowingly:

1. Make a false statement to the SHA [Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001];

2. Provide incomplete or false information to the SHA [24 CFR 960.259(a)(4)]; or

3. Commit fraud, or make false statements in connection with an application for assistance or with reexamination of income [24 CFR 966.4(l)(2)(iii)(C)].