Homeownership Program
The SHA Homeownership Voucher Program provides the opportunity for existing voucher holders to utilize their voucher subsidy to pay towards a home mortgage, instead of using the family's voucher subsidy to help with rent.
Upon becoming eligible for a mortgage and purchasing a house, SHA will make monthly mortgage assistance payments on behalf of the family. The amount of this assistance (like the HCV program) is based upon the family's income.
Who is eligible for the program?
- The family must be a current participant in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
- The family must qualify as a first-time home buyer.
- The family must meet other eligibility requirements of the Homeownership voucher program.
- The family must meet mortgage eligibility requirements.
- The family must complete Home Headquarters home buyers’ course.
- The participating family must meet all additional eligibility requirements that would be reviewed with the family during the intake process.