Freedom Commons Comes to Fruition

Freedom Commons is a $15 million, new construction, affordable green housing development on the near south side of the City of Syracuse at 450 Burt Street. The project is a partnership between the Syracuse Housing Authority (SHA) and the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA). It is the country's first replication of the housing model started by the Fortune Society in New York City fifteen years ago, called Castle Gardens. The SHA will serve as property manager while CCA will provide various supportive services.

The 54-unit property consists of 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms units, 6 of which are fully accessible and adapted for individuals with mobility impairments and 3 of which are adapted for individuals with hearing or vision impairments. Being developed with Norstar Development USA, Freedom Commons received funding from New York State Housing Trust Fund, OTDA Homeless Housing Assistance Programs (HHAP), KeyBank, and Key Community Development Corporation (KCDC) LIHC Equity, and NYSERDA Incentives.

The project will predominately be affordable housing for those with incomes at or below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI). Approximately 11 of the units will be permanent supportive housing reserved for formerly homeless individuals and/or families who have had some involvement with the justice system and whose income is at or below 30% of AMI.


Income Limits:    50% of the AMI (Area Median Income)

To qualify for admission, applicants for the unsubsidized units must fall within the unit’s income limit of 50% of the AMI (Area Median Income).  The current area median income for Syracuse New York is $79,500.  Area Median Income is calculated by HUD each year and varies by locality.

In addition, Freedom Commons accepts Section 8 voucher tenants.

Freedom Commons Income Limits 2019

  Supportive Housing Non Supportive Housing
  30% 50%
1 Person $16,710 $27,850
2 Person $19,080 $31,800
3 Person $21,480 $35,800
4 Person $23,850 $39,750
5 Person $25,770 $42,950
6 Person $27,690 $46,150
7 Person $29,580 $49,300
8 Person $31,500 $52,500
9 Person $33,390 $55,650

Rent Amounts for the Non Subsidized Units

Rent amounts for Freedom Commons are not based on a tenant’s income. Instead, rent is set by the use restriction tied to the unit.

Freedom Commons Rent Amounts for Non Subsidized Units 

Unit Size Number of Units Rent Utilities Gross Rent LIHC Rent Limit 2019 Fair Market Rents Target AMI
1 18 $542 $33 $575 $834 $688 50%
2 16 $625 $37 $662 $1,074 $858 50%
3 2 $740 $40 $780 $1,240 $1,088 50%
3 TH 7 $733 $47 $780 $1,240 $1,088 50%

The rent amounts above are not for the subsided units or the amounts for section 8 voucher holders.