I-81 Viaduct Project Status Update

Get Informed and Get Involved !!!!


October 2021

SHA's Comments to the DEIS

September 2021

I-81 Advocacy for SHA and residents 

As many of you are aware, Executive Director Simmons has been tirelessly advocating since early 2014 to ensure that the needs of SHA residents living within the East Adams Street Neighborhood are met and considered when it comes to construction surrounding I-81.

Mr. Simmons met with several Federal and NYS officials this summer, including HUD Secretary Fudge, NYS Senator Schumer, and US Secretary of Transportation, Peter Buttigieg to discuss the importance of the proposed Community Grid replacement option, the need for Federal support for the project, and need for resources for our residents.


August 2021

Complete our I-81 Survey !!!!!

On July 21 2021 NYSDOT Spokesperson stated the following:

"NYSDOT is not forcing residents of Pioneer Homes to move. There are no plans to temporarily displace people living in Pioneer Homes as part of the construction project. NYSDOT is working directly with Syracuse Housing Authority and the community to mitigate impacts as they relate to the project.” — Joe Morrissey, NYSDOT Spokesperson


NYSDOT has released a VIDEO SIMULATION of the Community Grid
The link below is a video simulation of what traveling North on Almond Street will be like once the Viaduct is removed and the Community Grid is implemented.
SHA Footprint is between minute :56 to 2:10.

1:35 traveling north on Almond and crossing over Van Buren (right behind SHA's main office)

1:49 crossing over Burt Street
1:53 crossing over East Taylor with Pioneer Homes on each side of Almond
2:00 Jackson Street

2:10 East Adams

JULY 2021 
NYSDOT has released the DEIS

July 2019

Executive Director Seeks Resident Input on
I-81 Construction Impact

SHA Executive Director, Bill Simmons, issued a letter to tenants seeking to survey their needs and gather their ideas about safeguarding resident safety and quality of life during the I-81 demolition and reconstruction.

Earlier this Spring, the DOT released a 15,000 page long Draft Environmental Impact Study (DEIS) & Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis which contained some details about construction vibration or noise levels which can be expected during the I-81 project. But it takes an astute reader to find and understand those details. In fact, the document indicates that many of the construction details will come later, after the state hammers out contracts with builders.

“That waiting can foster rumors and worry,” said Bill Simmons. “Our letter seeks to identify the most pressing questions and concerns about health, safety and quality of life for the people who will have to endure the greatest disruptions during the process.”

SHA residents are part of an environmental justice population and therefore NYSDOT must demonstrate that no disproportionality high and adverse effects would be predominately borne by SHA residents.

Residents and advocates have already made a number of suggestions, some of which include:

Central air conditioning and sound-proof windows so Toomey Abbott Towers residents can avoid opening windows during construction.

A new road to guarantee constant access to Toomey Abbott and a portion of Pioneer Homes.

The ability to move to another subsidized home if the construction gets to be too much for individuals with certain health conditions.

Respiratory testing of residents both before and after construction to monitor for health problems that might be associated living next to the area’s biggest construction project in generations.

“Most residents still like the idea of the community grid,” said Simmons. “Their wish list isn’t an overall criticism of the proposal.”

State transportation officials have said they are listening.