The ability of a family to transfer their Housing Choice Voucher to another Housing Authority is called Portability. Portability allows you to move anywhere in the United States (including Puerto Rico) with your Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8).
Porting-Out of SHA
If you are a current participant of SHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program and you would like to port-out to another jurisdiction, you must first contact your Housing Specialist. You must inform them of the Housing Authority you intend to port-out to. You are required to complete the “Notice to Vacate” process with your current landlord. If you are in good standing with the program and have no lease violations, SHA Staff will then forward the appropriate information to the Housing Authority you are porting to. Once SHA ports your paperwork to the new Housing Authority, you will need to follow the new policies at the new Housing Authority. You will receive a full 120 days on your voucher to port to the new Housing Authority of your choice.
Porting-In to SHA
If you are a current voucher holder and you would like to port into the Syracuse Housing Authority Housing Choice Voucher Program, you must inform your current Housing Authority. They will send the required information to our office via mail or e-mail. After we receive the information from your current Housing Authority, we will schedule your family for a briefing that must be attended by all household members ages 18 and older.
SHA’s contact information for portability is as follows:
Syracuse Housing Authority T: 315.470.4468
HAPP (Section 8) Attn: F: 315.470.4436
312 Gifford St., 9th fl [email protected]
Syracuse, NY 13204